1ST RACE OCEAN PRINCE - Treated for Left stifle 27th Aug.10; 27th Sept.10 and 21st Oct.10. Treated for Lameness(Left hind) 4 to 6th Sept.10. and 2 to 4th Nov.10. Treated for back 16 to 25th Sept.10. Treated for colic 27th Sept.10. 2ND RACE DEAREST - Treated for Injury(Left knee) 26 to 30th Oct.10. CORBETT QUEEN - Treated for Left fore splint 10 to 12th Aug. 10.Treated for Injury(Right upper lip) 1 to 5th Oct. 2010. 4TH RACE KILIMANJARO - Treated for injury(Left fore fetlock) 26 to 30th Aug. 10 5TH RACE THUNDER Ä Treated for Right Elbow 13 to 15th Aug.10.Treated for colic 27th Nov.10. DELTA DELIGHT - Treated for Right fore 14 to 16th Aug.10. Treated for Resp. infection 31st Aug to 9th Sept.10. Treated for colic 11th Sept.10. Treated for Right hock 15 to 19th Oct.10. VEGA - Treated for Resp. infection 31st Aug. to 9th Sept.10; 13 to 21st Oct.10. and 27 to 31st Oct 10. Treated for Injury(Right knee) 6 to 10th Dec.10. SHOOT OUT - Treated for Fever 16 to 23rd Oct.10. WIN AGAIN - Treated for Left shoulder 11th Aug.10. Treated for Lameness(Left fore) 4 to 6th Aug.10. Treated for Resp. infection 3rd Sept.Treated for injury(Right elbow) 29th Oct to 2nd Nov. 10.Treated for Left Elbow 30th Nov to 4th Dec.10. WINGS OF FLAME - Treated for laminitis 9 to 19th Aug. 10. Treated for Resp. infection 26 to 30th Oct.10. PREORDAINED - Treated for infection 7 to 11th Aug.10 and 27 to 31st Oct.10. Treated for Lameness(Left knee) 7 to 9th Sept.10.